5 Weight Loss Mistakes, and How To Lose Weight Faster!
80% of people who try to lose weight fail.
Even those who initially succeed will eventually fail. Weight loss is HARD.
There are so many different diets, gyms, supplements, etc. It’s a miracle any of us succeed at all.
If you are trying to lose weight, learn what most people do wrong and how you can get faster results!
#1 Adding “extra cardio”:
When it comes to exercise, more is not inherently better. If you’re already working out 3-4x a week for 45minutes, there probably isn’t any “more” that you need to do.
Oftentimes we actually self sabotage ourselves by doing more. See, exercise is a form of stress, and too much stress on your body can have many negative effects. One of which being stubborn weight loss.
The solution?
3-4 challenging workouts is all you need!
MORE is not better, better is better!
#2: Eating Too Little Protein:
Consuming adequate protein is important for maintaining body composition and building lean muscle. However, when it comes to changing body composition and decreasing body fat, consuming adequate protein should be an even higher priority.
If our goal is to lose weight, we should do so while trying to maintain as much lean muscle mass as we can. This ensures that the weight we’re losing is actually fat, and not muscle.
Daily intake should be ~.7g-1g per pound of body weight.
Protein is better digested from a real source, but supplements may be necessary in order to hit higher goals.
#3: Eating Too Little Carbohydrates:
The stigma has been around forever …“carbs make you fat”
That’s not true.
Carbs control insulin which is responsible for pulling glucose from the bloodstream to store in the body as fat; however, it is also responsible for pushing amino acids into our muscles and initiating protein synthesis (a critical step for muscle retention while restricting calories for weight loss).
If you are active and train with weights avoiding carbs will prevent you from gaining muscle or strength. The result will be decreased performance in the gym and increased muscle LOSS .
Bottom line: carb intake is especially important while training in an underfed state. Eat as much carbs as you can fit into your diet after meeting your protein needs. If you need help identifying your carbohydrate allotment, ask one of the trainers at Gage Strength Training to help!
#4 Not Eating Enough:
I know what you’re thinking…how can 3 of the “5 most common mistakes of fat loss” be not eating enough food??
It sounds crazy, I get it. But it’s true, many times we struggle with fat loss because we get way too caught up with restriction. If you’re not fueling your body with an adequate amount of calories, then our body is not going to be willing to give up any of its “prized fat”.
So, how do you know exactly how many calories to eat?
Step 1:
Perform an InBody scan at GST
Step 2:
Find Basal Metabolic Rate (on right side of print out)
Step 3:
Calculate 20% of your BMR, then add that number back to the BRM. (BMR= 1500 calories. 20% of 1500 = 300. 1500+300= 1800. That number is your daily calorie goal.
Step 4:
Track your daily food intake for one week using My Fitness Pal or another macronutrient tracking app.
Step 5:
Adjust your intake to hit your goals
#5: Losing too much, too fast:
If you want to lose weight and keep it off. You’ve gotta be ready to play the long game. Long term weight loss is NOT a sprint, it’s a Marathon. Roughly 90% of people who lose weight will eventually gain it all back.
This is especially true for those who lose weight at a rapid pace.
A realistic weight loss pace is .5-1.5 lbs a week (depending on your current level of fitness). Drawn out over time that my look like 25 pounds a year at a minimum. Not too shabby!
Results that happen overnight, disappear overnight. Results that hold the test of time, take time.
Are you looking for a weight loss program in West Chester, PA?
Gage Strength Trainings’ Rapid Weight Loss system can help you lose 5-10lb in 21 Days. Click below to learn more!