Our blog gives you insight & tips on the latest fitness, nutrition & healthy lifestyle trends for adults over 40, and athletes alike.
Take Your Health to Another Level with Non-Negotiables
Take Your Health to Another Level with Non-Negotiables There are very few things in my life that are non-negotiable. Most of them might sound silly
Should You Cleanse or Detox?
Do you need to “cleanse” or “detox” We’re reaching that time of year where you’re getting closer to your first summer vacation and you’re realizing
The Best Low Calorie Dessert
Let’s be honest–most low-calorie or “healthy” desserts taste like you’d rather have the real thing. Sure, Halo Top ice cream kinda kills your ice cream
The New Rules of Fat Loss
The New Rules of Fat Loss I’m sure you’ve heard these 1000 times. Eat six small meals a day. More Cardio = More weight loss
Why is France Healthier than America
Last week, I posted a recipe for a healthy dessert that’s a real dessert and not a high-protein, sorta-tastes-like-a-dessert thing. In that email, I wrote
Spring Running Tips
Spring Running Tips Spring is just around the corner. Spring brings us warmer weather, sunny days, and an excuse to be outside more! For many
13 Tips on Friday the 13th
Let’s address the elephant in the room Covid-19 is now in Chester County There are people who are freaking out and buying up ALL the
3 Surprising ways “Sheltering In Place” is great for your health
3 Surprising ways “sheltering in place” is great for your health In the Chinese language, the word “Crisis” is written using 2 words: Danger and
Adele’s Weight Loss!
The Surprising Secret To Adele’s Weight loss! If you’re like the rest of us quarantined here in West Chester, PA then you’ve probably heard the
5 Ways To Stay Healthy with In Home Workouts
5 Ways To Stay Healthy with In Home Workouts If your goal is weight loss and all you’re doing are in home workouts, then you’re
The Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight
The Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight …maybe you’ve tried to lose weight and it hasn’t budged anywhere? You’ve been having great workouts and eating well,
Why Does My Husband Lose Weight Faster Than Me?
“Why Does My Husband Lose Weight Faster Than Me?” “Why is weight loss easier for my husband?” The fact is that being at a healthy