Spring Running Tips
Spring is just around the corner. Spring brings us warmer weather, sunny days, and an excuse to be outside more! For many of you reading this, that means you dust off the ole running sneakers and hit the road.
I’m all for any reason to get outside more, but each year a ton of us get a bit too overzealous. A few sunny days strung together and the next thing you know your shins hurt, your knee pain from last year has returned, and your lower back is tight. Not wanting to miss out of the perfect running weather, you gut it out. This probably sounds a bit too familiar to many of you.
Running doesn’t have to be painful and it doesn’t have to be hard. Of course, running may not be the best form of exercise for many people. But if it gets people up and moving more, I’m all for it!
How can you make this running season the best ever?
1. Treat yo self: When it comes to running, your footwear is extremely important. If you’re in the wrong type of shoe for your foot, you’re likely setting yourself up for an injury. Poor footwear doesn’t just lead to foot pain. Running in the wrong type of sneaker can lead to injuries up the chain including in your ankle, knee, hip, and lower back. I recommend going to a running store to be fitted for the perfect shoe for YOUR foot.
Check out these local stores:
Bryn Mawr Running Company (Formerly Chester County Running Store. Located on High St in West Chester)
Philadelphia Runner (Multiple Locations)
All Kinds of Fast- Phoenixville
Road Runner Sports- King of Prussia
The Running Place- Newtown Square
2. Run at least 2x week: If you want to get back in the swing of running or incorporate running into your training, you’re gonna need to get reps in. I recommend running at least 2x a week. Depending on your specific goal or level of experience, you may need more volume.
3. Strength train on your off days: If you want to run faster, further, and most importantly…pain free, you need to strength train. If you’re running 2x a week, strength training 3x a week is perfect. Let your coaches know what your running goals are, and we’ll be better equipped to create the perfect program that compliments your running program.
4. Run at a conversational pace: If you can’t maintain a conversation while you’re running, you’re likely over extending yourself. The goal of your running should be to maintain your speed and technique. For experienced runners, there are times you may want to increase the intensity. But, for the rest of us, it’s all about finding a groove. If you find yourself struggling to find a good pace, try the run/walk technique. Run for 1-3+min, walk until you recover your breath. Keep alternating between running and walking for the duration of your run. As you become more conditioned, the less walk breaks that you’ll need.
5. Sign up for a race: Give yourself something to train for. Sign up for a 5k,10k, Spartan Race, Tough Mudder, or Half marathon. Sign up with a friend, a group or friends, or family members. Having an end goal will help keep you accountable to your training.
If you’d like help 1 on 1 with a running training program, I’d be happy to put one together for you. Shoot me an e-mail (Jeff@gagestrengthtraining.com) and we can talk about what your goals are.
Have fun, enjoy the warm weather that is coming soon, and stay healthy!