Top 5 Articles of Winter Workout Gear!
Well, PA gyms have been restricted from offering indoor workouts… Again… But crying about it won’t burn enough calories to help us hit our goals.
Let’s plan for our outdoor workouts to carry us into the new year. I don’t know about you, but when I train outside in the winter I feel like Rocky training to take down Ivan Drago.
If you’re committed to keeping your training going no matter the weather, here’s what you’ll need!
1. A good pair of socks:
Keeping your feet warm is essential when it comes to outdoor trianing… The colder it is, the more our body concentrates heat to the trunk of the body to keep our organs healthy so our limbs take the brunt of the cold. When I want a true gourmet sock experience, smartwool is always my go to… Check out these SmartWool Winter workout socks
2. UnderArmour Cold Gear:
Growing up playing baseball in the early spring months called for the right gear to keep you warm, loose and ready to hit dingers. I don’t know what magic UnderArmour weaves into their fabric, but the combination of the compression and materials in their coldgear will keep you feeling warm, strong and able to crush any workout. Grab your coldgear tops + leggings below.
3. Gloves:
Just like our feet, our hands will be the first to feel the low temperatures when training outdoors. One of the most important things you can buy are a good pair of outdoor training gloves.. Not only to keep you warm, but to protect your hands in case you’re doing ground based movements on a concrete road or parking lot. Keep your hands warm, and safe with these outdoor training gloves.
Buy them here.
4. Mask/Gaiter combo:
We’re still required to wear masks, so we should try to make the most of it while keeping our face warm as well. The mask/gaiter combination is the best way to keep your face and neck warm while you get your workouts in!
5. Your Community!
The best way to stay warm during outdoor training sessions is to do them with a friend, or people you love.
When you’re with supportive individuals, all challenges feel less difficult and we can get through all things together.
Bundle up, find clothes that allow you to move, and let’s do this. We’re all in this together.