I gained 15lb on a weekend vacation… Here’s How I Lost It In 3 days.
I drove from West Chester, PA to Martha’s Vineyard and back in 3 days, and all I got was 15lb added to my bodyweight.
We’re in peak vacation season folks, and with vacations usually comes bloating and weight gain… I’m here to tell you how you can rebound from vacation weight gain faster than ever.
First- here’s what happened.
The GST Team took a long weekend up in Martha’s Vineyard and ate junk food, tons of carbs and drank plenty of adult beverages and when I came back to work, I was up 15lb on the scale!
15lb of weight GAINED in only 4 days…
Maybe your weight gain isn’t as dramatic as 15lb, but we’ve all returned home from a weekend trip after eating and drinking a bit too much and felt more bloated and packed on a few pounds.
Did you just throw all of your hard work, diet and training out the window? NO!
The truth is, that almost all of that weight gain is only water weight and NOT bodyfat.
Let me repeat. You did not gain a significant amount of body fat while on vacation.
Changes in diet, routine, travel, alcohol consumption, and sleep all change water retention in your body, and cause that bloating and weight gain that we all come to expect….
Lucky for you, I’ve broken down exactly how I dropped 15lb in 3 days without diets, crazy exercise routines or sweating it out in a sauna.
Step 1: Don’t freak out.
Vacation water weight gain has no impact on your overall goals and progress, and it is VERY normal! The first thing you need to remind yourself is that it’s only water, and you didn’t just ruin all of your progress!
Reminding yourself of this will help you stay positive, and get right back on track… What we say at Gage Strength Training is that “You’re only one decision away from being right back on track”
Step 2: Keep your workouts LIGHT!
Next, you want to get back to the gym right away… But it’s important NOT to overdo it and drop all that weight in 1 workout.
Some people feel so badly about themselves, and are frustrated with themselves that they try to “punish the weight off” with a 2 hour workout, time in a sauna and starving themselves.
Let me be clear- This is the worst thing that you can do.
When you’re carrying extra water weight, your joints fill with fluid and it leaves you more susceptible to injuring yourself in a workout and do you want to know what’s worse than carrying a few extra pounds of water? Getting hurt on your first day back, and not being able to workout for weeks.
Come back and train at 70% of your maximum effort, and avoid heavy lifts like barbell squats and deadlifts.
Get your body moving, but don’t go too crazy.
Step 3: Get Some SLEEP!
The key to dropping that weight is getting right back on track with a sleep routine + diet. Getting a good nights’ sleep will give your body time to recover, and allow your body to start releasing water weight and providing it with proper nutrition will do the same.
Make sure you get to bed early when you’re back, and stick to a strict sleep schedule over the first few days home.
Step 4: Dandelion Tea or Dandelion Supplements
These act as a natural diuretic, which will help you strip that water weight quickly. You should expect to use the bathroom more, but just know that’s all the extra weight going down the drain.
…If you do follow those 4 steps, the weight you gained on vacation will be gone within 72 hours and your body will feel back to normal!
If you live in West Chester, PA and you need help getting on a workout plan to help with actual weight loss, send an E-mail to Devin@gagestrengthtraining.com